Friday 24 May 2013

Get Rid Of Acne Once And For All!

Acne is a skin condition that is a dime in a dozen. It can easily affect preteens and teens but adults can also be a victim of it. Though acne is part of growing up, knowing that you have that big pimple on your face will make you feel uncomfortable. Worse, it can affect your self-confidence. The good thing is, knowing some tips on how to get rid of acne and taking some actions will help you feel better about your face.

What is acne?

Acne is a skin condition that reveals different types of bumps on your face. That includes whiteheads, blackheads, bumps that are filled with pus or pustules, red bumps and pimples.

What causes acne?

The skin is the largest organ in our body. It is covered with holes called pores or hair follicles. These hair follicles contain sebaceous glands or oil glands that moisten the hair and skin. When glands make the right amount of sebum, our pores are fine and safe. However, when pores clogged because of dead skin cells, germs or sebum, acne will start to develop. Moreover, when clogged pores stay open, its surface can get dark resulting to blackheads. But if clogged pores close then bulges out from the skin, you will be left with a whitehead.

Furthermore, because of the pores broken wall, pimples may appear when germs, sebum and dead skin cells get into the skin. Bigger infection known as cysts can happen especially when clogged pores opened deep into the skin.

How to get rid of acne

Since acne is a complicated problem, many people want to know how to get rid of acne.That is why so many people bend over backwards just to be free of acne on their faces, shoulders, chest or backs.

Here are the 10 ways on how to get rid of acne forever:

1. Hand Washing
Keeping your hands clean is necessary if you really want to get rid of annoying bumps.This is for the reason that our hands are being used constantly thus it is not impossible to acquire bacteria which can spread germs throughout the body.
We may not notice it, but the average person touches their face three to five times every minute. So, if your hands aren’t clean, chances are you will be getting a lot of acnes and may add fuel to the fire.

2. Wash your face
To prevent further build up of sebum, dead skin cells and germs that can lead to acne,you need to wash your face twice a day. However, if your face is extremely oily then you might need to wash it in the afternoon. In addition, use mild soap and not just any other soap. For best results, use warm water in washing your face and cool water for final rinsing. Do this with a five minute limitation.

3. Don’t Scrub
Scrubbing will literally worsen the condition of your acne because it irritates the skin. Instead wash it gently and use the palm of your hands.

4. Get enough sleep
Lack of sleep is a contributing factor in getting acne. Hence, it is really important to sleep eight hours a day. Also, during these times your body regenerates and keeps your skin beautiful and healthy. Additionally, if you get enough sleep, your body works smoothly and that what keeps your skin free from annoying conditions.

5. Avoid too much sugar
A lot of people don’t know that sugar breaks down the collagen in the skin making it a no-no to people who suffer from acne. However, we really cannot stay away from it completely. What you can do is to take it in moderation.

6. Water
Keeping yourself hydrated is one solution on how to get rid of acne. Remember, acne is a dry skin. Consequently, you need to drink a lot of water to fight dry skin and to prevent clogged pores. So, never miss to drink 8 glasses of water a day.

7. Fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables provide assorted minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that can provide solutions on how to get rid of acne. They support the strength of the immune system and alleviate acne. Moreover, an increased intake of fresh fruits and vegetables can reduce acne breakout.

8. Exercise
Moderate exercise for about 10 minutes a day can improve blood flow that helps eliminate waste products including free radicals in our body. It also helps to nourish the skin and keeps them vital. Another thing is that, exercise helps boost the condition of your internal organs which can excrete waste materials more effectively.

9. Stress
We can’t escape stress and from time to time we are going to be stressed out. Hence, it is important to know some tips that can help lessen the stress level. One thing that you can do is deep breathing. By doing so, your brain receives a good amount of oxygen that eventually lessens stress and helps your body to stay calm and relax.

10. Sunshine
Exposure to sunlight can worsen the condition of acne, so it is important to keep away from ultraviolet rays as it will irritate your skin. When you are exposed to the sun, you need to make sure that your skin has enough protection. Using sun block can be a good idea. Just choose products that are “oil free” or “noncomedogenic” so it won’t clog your pores even more thus helping you how to get rid of acne.

Final thoughts

Acne can certainly cripple someone’s quality life. People living with such condition may suffer from anxiety, low self-esteem and depression. Worse, it can discourage a person from pursuing his dreams and enjoying his life. With this, it is imperative to control or better yet get rid of acne for good.

Since your queries on how to get rid of acne has already been answered, it is up to you now to follow the 10 ways on how to be acne free. From there, you are likely to experience less anxiety and depression. More so, you will regain your self-confidence and will enjoy life to the fullest once again. Stay beautiful!

More info on how to cure acne : Best Acne Solutions